No Apologies

Slowly redefined in medicine, religion, law, and education are traditional words and concepts like ethics, oaths, preventative healthcare, clean water, real food, patient rights, and the least invasive and most compassionate medicine.

Changed is the understanding of how the physiology of the human body is meant to seek homeostasis, kill cancer, support the immune and nervous system function when provided nutrients. Instead, we are told we are faulty due to our genetics or lifestyles and that modern medicine is the answer to the symptoms of modern life.

The concept of disease prevention has been redefined to something, after-the-fact. Veterans are killing themselves and mental illness is criminalized. The first chemo treatment is scheduled at diagnosis. Food staples have been genetically altered to work with pesticides and industrial waste is found in food, water, and medicine. Even our sins, like tobacco, wouldn’t be as dangerous without the 200 added chemicals. In a day when allopathic medicine is a leading contributor to causes of death…what is real? The dissonance is real…and unhealthy. We need reverse osmosis of truth and common sense.

At the state capitol, you will gain an impression that ethics are more about conflicts of interest or campaign tactics, not the classic definition of equality and compassion for the suffering. Religion has become a tax-free pass to righteously judge others and consequently effect law. The Physician’s Code of Ethics doesn’t promote selectively ignoring physiology, nutrition and cannabis research to instead praise and/or fear professional associations. Universities only teach what the “bosses of knowledge” acknowledge.

If ever, now is the time to re-redefine patient rights and the physician’s visit. We have been desensitized away from appropriate care, we settle for 15 minutes of disregard. The words from your mouth are as important as skewed science. Just say ‘no’ to being defined by medical codes and recipes. Do we fashion a tin foil hat? Not yet, for now, we stand on the power we have recently gained, we eat and sleep well, we journal or participate in cannabis research, we introduce ourselves to legislators and preachers with pride, we ask for citizen representation and become impervious to judgment and control. We learn to discern the truth as we feed the endocannabinoid system for resiliency to resist and change unjust practices that often, in time, become familiar.

Remember this, judges do not apologize.

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